7 Days of Poetry
Join us for workshops, town halls, guest speakers, parties and slams.
Denotes Closed Captioned
Denotes Interpreter services available
Denotes Public on YouTube Broadcast
Denotes registered attendees only
*Please note that additional ASL Services will be provided by arrangement with BNV Participants
Monday • July 20
10 am | Opening Ceremony | PUB, CC, ASL
The inaugural event of the festival where participants meet this years Co-Directors, hear and become a part of the #BREATHE theme, and we honor the reason we've come together with a few performances and rituals. This event will roll into the 12pm Breakout Session.
11:30 am | Interlude | PUB
12 pm | Breakouts! | PRIVATE, CC
Event meant to assist and facilitate fellowship and meeting one another
2 pm | Interlude | PUB
3 pm | Townhall “World on Fire: Dissenting Voices on Liberations” Presented by Future Corp, Acacia S. | PRIVATE, CC, ASL
We all want to get free; liberation is many of our minds however we don’t all agree on what liberation will look like and how we will get there. We are currently in a historical moment that requires us to look critically at almost every aspect of our life. We know that be it environmental justice, ableism, trans-misogyny, racism, or other forms of state sanctioned violence people are dying right now. Everyone of these issues deserve our attention and will require collective action to address. This townhall will address the personal role we all have in our collective liberation as well as the responsibility we have to each other. We will talk about how to build coalitions even when we disagree on the best method and the importance of trusting our co-liberators to show up for us when we ask and to stay committed to their work. We can’t all do everything, but together we can all get free.
3 pm | Townhall “Intersect: A look into the Importance of an Intersectional Lens in the Slam Arena and Advocacy” Presented by Future Corp, Ashlee B | PRIVATE, CC
The purpose of this town hall is to facilitate a better understanding of the ways in which no identity is homogenous, pointing out the various privileges and struggles we all have and find ways to amplify our actions in our activism and performance. Participants will learn the definition of Intersectionality and be given the tools to apply this lens to real life scenarios and engage in discussion to learn from each other.
3 pm | Workshop “Social Justice Through Spoken Word” Presented by Lyrical Faith & Kwynology, Poetry for Service (Cap: 20) | PRIVATE, CC
This session will arm participants with ways in which to consider poetry as a tool for social justice pedagogy.
3 pm | Workshop “Brave Witnessing” Presented by Becca Carson, Aerie Magazine Program| PRIVATE, CC
What does it mean to be a witness in this era of constant media exposure to politics, conflict, and violence? Whose voices are included in the dominant narrative? Whose are left out?
3 pm | Workshop “Black (W)hole - Responding to a Double Pandemic” Presented by Marc Bamuthi Joseph | PUB, CC, ASL
This workshop will explore how educators, leaders and community members can holistically respond to today's double pandemic while keeping what is most important in mind.
4:30 pm | “Dinner On Your Own” Interlude | PUB
6 pm | Late Night “Fashion Speaks” Presented by Future Corp, Chloe P. | PRIVATE, CC
This event will be open to all BNV participants. There will be a google forms sign up for the Zoom virtual fashion show, but there will also be a way for BNV participants to send in pictures of their outfits, even if they do not share during the Zoom call. Afterwards, there will be a lookbook created as a way to continue the life of BNV fashion, even though this year it is a virtual festival. Sign up here to show off your looks! (Link)
6 pm | Late Night “Community Listening Party” Presented by Future Corp, Wes M. | PRIVATE, CC
This is a chance for the musicians of Brave New Voices to share their music. Each artist will get 5 minutes to introduce themselves, comment on their musical style/influences, play a song or two (either live or pre-recorded), and receive constructive and positive feedback. After all the artists have shared, we will engage in discussion about music-making. This discussion will be pivoted around some guiding questions from the event leaders. Afterwards, all the participants will have the opportunity to exchange streaming information with their peers so that we can encourage networking among artists. All artists who want to share their song should send it to prior to the start of the event.
Tuesday • July 21
10 am | Opening Day II | PUB, CC, ASL
11 am | Interlude | PUB
12 pm | SLAM: Quarter Final Bouts # 1 | PUB, CC
This is the Quarter Slam Bout for: DMV (Words, Beats, and Life); Abuja; Los Angeles; Indianapolis
12 pm | SLAM: Quarter Final Bouts # 2 | PUB, CC
This is the Quarter Slam # 2 Bout for: Tampa; Seattle; St.Louis; Fayetteville
12 pm | SLAM: Quarter Final Bouts # 3 | PUB, CC
This is the Quarter Slam Bout for: Nashville; Chicago; Miami Gardens; Dallas/Ft.Worth
2 pm | Interlude | PUB, CC
3 pm | Townhall “The Revolution Will be Screenshot” Presented by Future Corp, Jax N.| PRIVATE, CC, ASL
Participants will learn about the history of social justice storytelling through publication and performance during the BAM era up until the early 2000s. Participants will learn archival and storytelling skills specific to social media platforms such as Tik Tok, Instagram, and Twitter and discuss effective and ineffective uses of these platforms as tools for liberation.
3 pm | Townhall “Snacks and Snaps: On Vulnerability” Presented by Future Corp, Nathan Rashid W.| PRIVATE, CC
Poetry has always been a great space for us to show the most vulnerable parts of ourselves through our pieces but we have to be careful to protect our mental and emotional health when performing these pieces . In this townhall, we will have an open discussion on what we can do as artists to safely step into these vulnerable pieces so we can flourish while also not traumatizing ourselves.
3 pm | Brave New Leaders “Storytelling in a Hip Hop Arts Pedagogy” Presented by First Wave Scholars | PRIVATE, CC
Explore how First Wave's Hip Hop Arts Pedagogy informs how Brave New Voices Leaders can respond to our urgent times with storytelling, creativity and honor.
4:30 pm | Interlude | PUB, CC
5 pm | Workshop “Starting Over: Imagining New Beginnings” Presented by Preeti Vangani, Youth Speaks (Cap: 20) | PRIVATE, CC
A generative writing workshop where we think of starting over. Participants will be urged to imagine new beginnings for themselves and their communities as we go through the uncertainties of the pandemic and the horrors of systemic racism.
5 pm | Workshop “Writer's Block” Presented by Ebony Stewart | PRIVATE, CC
Writer's block isn't real... Or is it? Come to this workshop and learn different techniques to help tackle writers block.
5 pm | Workshop “Play it Back to Me” Presented by Meera Dasgupta, National Youth Poet Laureate (Cap: 50) | PUB, CC, ASL
The workshop will focus on implementing information, such as news, statistics, quotes, etc., into poetry in such a way that the facts become elevated - they take on a life of their own.
6:30 pm | Interlude | PUB, CC
7 pm | Late Night “Zines & Rice” Presented by Future Corp, Téa Serena J.| PRIVATE, CC
Zines and Rice is an open space where youth will learn to make zines using as little as a pencil and some paper, have an opportunity to relax and focus on creating something they love, and have an opportunity to share what they made.
7 pm | Late Nights “More Than a Fall From Grace” Presented by Future Corp, Ninel N. | PRIVATE, CC
Why A Fall From Grace? Well, if I must explain… This film is a cinematic disaster, one with poor continuity, hilariously unfunny moments, and treacherous lace fronts. Due to the film’s many hiccups viewers hardly itch for comedic relief because the entire movie is littered with it. As unrealistic, subpar and one dimensional this film is it provides a laughter that will leave critics in stitches. Our current political climate is proof we all deserve to grab a snack, get comfortable, and commune with fellow writers who equally desire a break from all this ugly. As much as this film fills the belly with laughter it touches on agism, emotional abuse and red flags, all of which will be analyzed.
Wednesday • July 22
10 am | Opening Day III | PUB, CC, ASL
11 am | Interlude | Youtube
12 pm | SLAM: Quarter Final Bouts # 4 | PUB, CC
This is the Quarter Slam Bout for: St.Louis; Nashville; Tampa; DMV (Words, Beats, and Life)
12 pm | SLAM: Quarter Final Bouts # 5 | PUB, CC
This is the Quarter Slam Bout for: Chicago; Seattle; Abuja; Fayetteville
12 pm | SLAM: Quarter Final Bouts # 6 | PUB, CC
This is the Quarter Slam Bout for: Miami Gardens; Dallas/Ft.Worth; Los Angeles; Indianapolis
2 pm | Interlude | PUB
3 pm | Townhall “Art & Politics” Presented by Future Corp, Deniero B. | PRIVATE, CC, ASL
3 pm | Brave New Leaders “Poetry as Revolution” Presented by Tongo Eisen-Martin | PRIVATE, CC. ASL
3 pm | Workshop “Breathing Through Poetry” Presented by Jada Imani, Youth Speaks (Cap: 50) | PRIVATE, CC
This workshop is about breath. We will study the stories of Eric Garner, George Floyd, Muhammad Abdul Muhaymin Jr and others who have lost their lives to police chokeholds. We will also look into how so often we hold our own breath. Why is that? Lastly what somatic relief and reclamation of breath?
3 pm | Workshop ”Taking Things for GRANTed...How to Fund the Revolution” Presented by Jeffrey Banks (Cap: 50) | PRIVATE, CC
In this workshop, earn the ins and outs of writing and winning grant proposals for non-profit organizations.
4:30 pm | Interlude & Semis Live Announcement | PUB, CC, ASL
5 pm | MC Olympics | PUB, CC
MC Olympics is an annual olympic-style competition featuring the dopest emcees at Brave New Voices. Through several rounds of exercises showcasing pen game and personality, we seek to highlight every emcee’s skill level across hip-hop’s various styles and sub-genres. MCO is also a networking event to cypher, meet other dope artists, and have fun. Sound like something you wanna get down with? Sign Up Here!!
6:30 pm | Interlude | PUB
7 pm | Late Night “Celebrity Make Believe (Live Tabletop Roleplaying Game)” Presented by Future Corp, Kosi D. | PRIVATE, CC
Celebrity Make Believe is a whimsical introduction to the wonders of tabletop roleplaying. Seeking to highlight the medium's capacity for facilitating improvised, oral, and collective storytelling, youth and mentors will have the opportunity to witness "poetry celebrities" as they are guided through a 30-minute adventure written by Future Corp’s Kosi Dunn. Unlike typical tabletop roleplaying games, audience members will be able to participate via chat, helping the lead storyteller decide how the fantasy world responds to the adventurers, in a never before seen poetry themed choose your own adventure game!
7 pm | Late Night “You Are Entitled to Rest: A Conversation About Wellness and Activism” Presented by Future Corp, Nubia Y. (Cap: 23) | PRIVATE, CC
The main purpose of this Late Night event is to facilitate conversations around how one can maintain good emotional hygiene in the midst of revolutionary work.
Thursday • July 23
10 am | Virtual Action | PRIVATE, CC, ASL
Festival participants acknowledging the anti-Blackness and racism in the status quo and announcing our ways to living and honoring those who've lost their lives.
11 am | Interlude | PUB
12 pm | SLAM: Semi-Finals #1-2 | PUB, CC
2 pm | Interlude | PUB
3 pm | Workshop “Avatar: The Last Poetry (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water)” Presented by Slangston Hughes (Cap: 100) | PRIVATE, CC
In this unique and innovative poetry textbook we will identify and harness each poetic elements primary writing techniques and then attempt to begin the groundwork of sparking and mastering those elements that we do not use, using our strengths to awake and harness our poetic weaknesses.
3 pm | Workshop “Lemonade: Spoken Word, Music and Healing” Presented by CieraJevae Gordon & Drew Drake (Cap: 40) | PRIVATE, CC, ASL
Lemonade: How can Beyonce's Lemonade album inspire us in our own healing practices as writers.
4:30 pm | Interlude & Finals Live Announcement | PUB, CC, ASL
5 pm | Queeriosity | PUB, CC, ASL
Queeriosity turns 10 yall! From humble beginnings as a Queer Open Mic at BNV 2010 at Occidental College, we have grown to occupy a staple space in the festival. In this year’s queer centered space of love, poetry and glitter, Queeriosity is digging through the archives. Since the event’s inception, legendary artists have touched the color-filled stage and inspired hope and bravery to young folks across time. This year we will be viewing poets over the years and highlighting poets of the now. This space will be both curated and open for youth sign up. From across the decades, features include Paul Tran, Joshua Merchant, Jari Bradley, Yosimar Reyes, and a special tribute to Queeriosity curator, Andrew Wilson, you don't want to miss! Interested in performing? Sign Up Here!
7 pm | Interlude | PUB
7:30 pm | Late Night “Nothing but Vibes” Presented by Future Corp, Danielle H. (Cap: 30) | PRIVATE, CC
This is a check-in point for participants. This space will be a virtual room in which artists can come and go as they please. There will be peaceful music playing throughout the session - smooth R&B and R&B Soul, mixed with different meditation music. There will be reflection questions asking the participants how they are doing so far within the festival and possibly figure out what’s necessary for moving forward.
7:30 pm | Late Night “More Than a Poet” Presented by Future Corp, M. Kamara | PRIVATE, CC
Poets will think of one thing that represents them outside of poetry (e.g. ‘I’ve been longboarding since age 11’) and the rest of the group will ask up to 20 questions trying to figure out said thing about the person.
Friday • July 24
12 pm | Workshop “Flow States: Words from Young Queer Pacific Islanders & Asian Americans” Presented by Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center | PUB, CC
As a part of SmithsonianAPA’s project “A Day in the Queer Life of Asian Pacific America,” we invite young Pacific Islanders and Asian Americans to share stories and poems as a time capsule for queer life in this moment. If you want to perform at the open mic, please arrive 15 min early (11:45pm PT) and/or email!
12 pm | Workshop “Paying Homage: The Importance of Ritual in African Traditional Religions” Presented by Darrius Williams-Lee (Cap: 50) | PUB, CC
Ritual gives shape to emotions and helps humans come to terms with the major events of life. Participants will explore rituals already permeating their lives, receive tips and tricks from the African traditional perspective and create a piece to be shared (optional) about their ideal ritual.
12 pm | Workshop “thru my eyes: (self) documenting on the edge of a new world” Presented by Bay Area Video Coalition | PUB, CC, ASL
How would you direct a visual poem documenting 2020 for the archive of memory? How would you score it? Frame it? What would you want to remember about right now? Forget? In this workshop, we will explore the intersection of film and poetry, creating our own multimedia time-capsules capturing and describing both the world we live in and the world we know is possible. (Smart Phone Needed)
12 pm | Workshop “Our Role as Arts Leaders in Defunding Police” Presented by Jacinda Bullie, Kuumba Lynx | PUB, CC
What role do arts leaders play in defunding the police? This workshop will explore tangible ways leaders in Chicago are supporting efforts to defund the police and reimagine communities in new and important ways.
2 pm | Black Opulence | Kennedy Center | PUB, CC
Is a showcase celebrating Blackness and the wealth and treasure our ancestors afforded us. Black festival participants should come to enjoy a curated night of Black excellence and storytelling through art. Artists of all mediums will showcase their incredible artistic offerings in a #BLACKOUT like never before. Come see an intergenerational presentation of gorgeous Black talent and what we truly value and hold dear. These moments are necessary and intentional towards our collective fight for equity and anti-racist beliefs, Come witness the glimmer of blackness!
3 pm | Interlude | PUB
3:30 pm | MC Olympics Concert | PUB, CC
5 pm | Interlude | PUB
6 pm | Late Night “Soul and Flow” Presented by Future Corp, Majovah B. | PRIVATE, CC
The main purpose of Soul & Flow is to be able to connect with poets, musicians and artists on a chill and deeper level. Listening to the voice, while people interpret the song or written work through drawing, (no art experience necessary), just create what you feel. Pencils, pens, markers etc are all welcomed. Lets keep it simple.
6 pm | Late Night “Soca Dance Class” Presented by Future Corp, Ninel N. | PRIVATE, CC
Similar to every genre of music developed by ancestors of the diaspora Reggae is used to reflect love, politics, and freedom. There is a great misconception that Reggae exists only to sexualize the Carribean woman and that is not always the case. This Late Night will explore the benefits of coping through music while finding strength and reclamation in movement.
6 pm | Game Night | PRIVATE, CC
Saturday • July 25
12 pm | Closing Ceremony + Versus Battle | PUB, CC, ASL
The first annual Brave New Voices VS. battle is a two-on-two battle between veteran slam champs across the nation. King Yaw & Alyesha Wise team up to go head to head with Lady Brion & Kenneth Something to spit for the winning title, proving poem by poem to Brave New Voices youth judges who reigns supreme.
1:30 pm | Interlude | PUB
3 pm | SLAM: Finals | PUB, CC, ASL
Final competitive poetry event featuring top 4 highest scoring teams, various other folks, emceed by Bamuth
6 pm | Interlude | PUB
7 pm | Best of BNV | PUB, CC, ASL
8 pm | Virtual Dance Party | PRIVATE
Sunday • July 26
7 pm | Screentime Slam (BNV Edition) | Instagram | PUB"Screen Time Slam," an instagram poetry slam founded and hosted by Kat Magill ( @prettysimplekat) , teams up with Brave New Voices for an evening jam-packed with youth poets from around the world and special guest performances. The Indy Slam will be judged by a panel of BNV alumni. Tune in to uplift all of the poets and see who rises to the top to become the FIRST 2020 BNV X STS Indy Grand Slam Champ.